
20 People wrote to us:
  1. Think not because you are now wed
    That all your courtship’s at an end.

    2 maggio 2014
  2. Tell me how many beads there are
    In a silver chain
    Of evening rain,
    Unravelled from the tumbling main,
    And threading the eye of a yellow star: –
    So many times do I love again.

    2 maggio 2014
  3. If two stand shoulder to shoulder against the gods,
    Happy together, the gods themselves are helpless
    Against them while they stand so.

    2 maggio 2014
  4. Love one another and you will be happy. It’s as simple and as difficult as that.

    2 maggio 2014
  5. ove is like playing the piano.
    First you must learn to play by the rules,
    then you must forget the rules
    and play from your heart.

    2 maggio 2014
  6. You’re nothing short of my everything.

    2 maggio 2014
  7. There is only one happiness in life,
    to love and be loved.

    2 maggio 2014
  8. My advice to you is get married: if you find a good wife you’ll be happy; if not, you’ll become a philosopher.

    2 maggio 2014
  9. I met Prince William at a musical festival and he let me know he was a fan of my music. But the invitation to sing at his wedding reception came completely out of the blue. The fact that Kate and William knew the words to my songs was very touching…

    2 maggio 2014
  10. I think a lot of people get so obsessed with the wedding and the expense of the wedding that they miss out on what the real purpose is. It’s not about a production number, it’s about a meaningful moment between two people that’s witnessed by people that they actually really know and care about.

    2 maggio 2014
  11. For years my wedding ring has done its job. It has led me not into temptation. It has reminded my husband numerous times at parties that it’s time to go home. It has been a source of relief to a dinner companion. It has been a status symbol in the maternity ward.

    2 maggio 2014
  12. I think a lot of people get so obsessed with the wedding and the expense of the wedding that they miss out on what the real purpose is. It’s not about a production number, it’s about a meaningful moment between two people that’s witnessed by people that they actually really know and care about.

    26 aprile 2014
  13. I was married by a judge. I should have asked for a jury.

    26 aprile 2014
  14. Lorem ipsum is a pseudo-Latin text used in web design, typography, layout, and …. Select a text frame, then chose “Sample Text” from the context menu after …

    26 aprile 2014
  15. A man’s got two shots for jewelry: a wedding ring and a watch. The watch is a lot easier to get on and off than a wedding ring.

    John Mayer – Who You Love ft. Katy Perry

    26 aprile 2014
  16. I met Prince William at a musical festival and he let me know he was a fan of my music. But the invitation to sing at his wedding reception came completely out of the blue. The fact that Kate and William knew the words to my songs was very touching.

    26 aprile 2014
  17. I think a lot of people get so obsessed with the wedding and the expense of the wedding that they miss out on what the real purpose is. It’s not about a production number, it’s about a meaningful moment between two people that’s witnessed by people that they actually really know and care about.

    26 aprile 2014
  18. A man’s got two shots for jewelry: a wedding ring and a watch. The watch is a lot easier to get on and off than a wedding ring.

    26 aprile 2014
  19. One tradition I have with my friends is that when one of us gets married, we have a ton of fragrance oils and pretty bottles at the bachelorette party. Everyone puts a drop or two in a bottle for the bride and makes a wish, and the bride wears our creation on her wedding day.

    26 aprile 2014
  20. For years my wedding ring has done its job. It has led me not into temptation. It has reminded my husband numerous times at parties that it’s time to go home. It has been a source of relief to a dinner companion. It has been a status symbol in the maternity ward.

    26 aprile 2014

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  • Ottimo il servizio e la professionalità impeccabile

    Federico C.

    Mi sono rivolto alla Carrozzeria Kappa per una sostituzione cristalli a seguito di un piccolo incidente causato da un sasso che mi ha crinato il vetro. Conosco Fabio e i suoi soci da anni e non posso che dire bene.

    Con professionalità e con un servizio tempestivo hanno sistemato il danno. Prezzi nella norma a fronte di un risultato più che ottimo.

  • Soccorso stradale tempestivo e auto sostitutiva

    Anna P.

    Sono rimasta in panne tempo fa per un problema tecnico e ho chiamato il soccorso stradale che la Carrozzeria Kappa fornisce consigliatami da un amico.

    Gentili e cordiali oltre che tempestivi vista l'ora in cui mi è accaduto il fatto, mi hanno messo a disposizione anche di un'auto sostitutiva. Li terrò come riferimento per eventuali assistenze di cui potrei aver bisogno prima della prossima revisione.

  • Verniciatura perfetta a prezzi contenuti

    Gianluca A.

    Mi sono rivolto alla carrozzeria Kappa per un problema di rigenerazioni fari e per una verniciatura a seguito di un tamponamento.

    Lavoro perfetto e consegnato in tempi brevi, tra l'altro ho avuto modo di usufruire anche di una delle loro convenzioni con la Unipol Sai.